Welcome Bowhunters and Archers! - CLICK HERE FOR (SHOOTS) (LOCATION)
The Colyak Bowhunters archery club was
established in 1951 and is chartered by the
Washington State Archery Association (WSAA). The Colyaks are primarily bow hunters - target and recreational shooters. The Colyaks promote and stimulate interest in all phases of archery and cooperate with other organizations such as the WSAA and the Department of Fish and Game to improve archery season, hunting, and outdoor life in the state of Washington.
The Colyaks hold
monthly club meetings to discuss upcoming and current archery events, exchange hunting stories, and socialize with other archery enthusiasts. The club also encourages family participation in different club functions. To further enhance this, we hold
various activities throughout the year.
To round out the season, we hold an annual club picnic in the spring. The picnic is where all the members and families come for a day of outdoor meals and fun shoots. The Big Game Awards are awarded to those who successfully harvest a big game animal. We also give out a Traveling Trophy. This goes to the bow hunter who has persisted and persevered in harvesting the MOST big game animals that season.
If all or any of these activities sound fun and something you and your family would like to become a part of or participate in, give us a call or
contact us here or on our
Facebook page. Membership information may be found