Calendar: Previous_2017 Annual Picnic

Title: Previous_2017 Annual Picnic
Location: Local shooting range end Hall Road in Richland, WA
Start Time: 6/24/2017 12:00 PM
End Time: 6/24/2017 2:00 PM
Description: Meet at the two new shelters build last year. The BBQ starts at NOON for the awards. If you are planning to attend bring a dish, if your last name begins with A-L bring a salad, and M-Z dessert. Hamburgers, hot dog, plates, forks, spoons, water and soda will be provided by the club.
All Day Event: No
Attachments: 2017 Colyak Picnic.pdf

Created at 6/2/2017 7:41 AM by colyak
Last modified at 11/7/2020 3:44 PM by Monica Moffett
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